Press releases - 2020

December 30, 2020 [7:30am]

Malgré la crise mondiale du Covid-19, bat en 2020 son record de Chiffre d'Affaires Annuel depuis sa création

November 12, 2020 [8:30am] : T3 2020, pour accroitre son CA et son expertise, Artmarket vise un fleuron de l'expertise Fine Art en 2021

October 12, 2020 [2:45pm] publishes the new Artprice's Report on the Contemporary Art Market, the primary growth driver with a +2,100% increase over 20 years

September 30, 2020 [7:45am] : Rapport financier S1 2020, très nette augmentation de la rentabilité, nouveau renforcement des fonds propres malgré la Covid19, perspectives 2020 en 5G

August 11, 2020 [8:45pm] Artprice and Cision extend their alliance to 119 countries to become the world's leading press agency dedicated to the Art Market, NFTs and the Metaverse

November 18, 2021 [5:45pm] Artprice Manifesto - The future of NFTs and the Metaverse

November 14, 2021 [2:15pm] global press release on PRNEWS GLOBAL GENERAL NEWS and ACTUSNEWS on 11.18.2021

November 9, 2021 [6:00pm] perfectly positioned to generate enormous revenue from its NFT Marketplace on

October 5, 2021 [4:45pm]

Artprice by Artmarket publishes its 2020/21 Contemporary Art Market Report. With Frieze and FIAC soon re-opening, the Contemporary art market has grown 2,700% in volume over the last 21 years and 117% within the last 12 months, essentially driven by NFTs

September 27, 2021 [6:05pm] : Rapport financier S1 2021, les capitaux propres bondissent de +49% passant de 19,8 millions d'euros à 29,5 millions d'euros, RN à +78,50 %

August 9, 2021 [8:00am] : 2T 2021 en croissance à double chiffre, réévaluation du fonds documentaire d'Artprice, augmentation tarifaire des abonnements, NFT

May 12, 2021 [8:00am] T1 bond de 10% du CA, perspectives 2021 : NFT, valorisation du plus grand fonds documentaire au monde possédé par Artprice

April 30, 2021 [5:45pm] : rapport financier annuel 2020, RN résistant, résultats records du CA internet Artprice et perspectives 2021 très positives.

March 15, 2021 [1:15pm] publishes Artprice 2020 Art Market Report highlighting a veritable paradigm shift: the pandemic imposed an unprecedented digitization of the market... that saved auction turnovers.

February 23, 2021 [10:15am]

Artprice's archive is the global alternative after the closure to art professionals of Christie's London archives

February 11, 2021 [8:00am] (Artprice) pulvérise son objectif au 4T 2020 avec un bond de 17% de son chiffre d'affaires