Press releases - 2017

December 16, 2017 [11:50am]

thierry Ehrmann: "The FCC's decision last night represents the most positive and significant event over the last 20 years of Artprice's history"

December 9, 2017 [11:25pm]

Exclusive: Today, 9 December 2017, Artprice confirms that the acquisition of Da Vinci's Salvator Mundi involved geopolitical mediation, and that the Vatican Museums did indeed study the offer.

December 8, 2017 [6:35pm]

Artprice Exclusive - Da Vinci's Salvator Mundi at the Louvre Abu Dhabi is likely the result of a geopolitical mediation,

December 7, 2017 [8:25pm]

News of Da Vinci's Salvator Mundi being exhibited at the Abu Dhabi Louvre -and soon at the Paris Louvre- entirely endorses Artprice's Museum Industry(R)

December 4, 2017 [4:00pm]

Artprice launches three global algorithmic indices measuring force Art Market vectors in real time: Artmuseum100, Artprice100 and Artmarket100

November 30, 2017 [5:40pm]

Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi to be exhibited at the Louvre Museum alongside the Mona Lisa is evidence the Museum Industry(R) economy conceptualized by Artprice is a reality

November 26, 2017 [4:50pm]

The New York Times agrees with Artprice's anticipation of the complete redefinition of the art market's price scale after Leonardo Da Vinci's Salvator Mundi record

November 21, 2017 [9:05pm]

Artprice: the auction record for Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci proves that the Museum Industry(R) is completely revolutionizing the Art Market's economic model

November 16, 2017 [7:50am]

Artprice est conforme à ses prévisions (450/500 M USD )- Un tableau du peintre italien Léonard de Vinci "Salvator Mundi" a été adjugé mercredi 450,3 millions de dollars

November 14, 2017 [8:30am]

Artprice : publication T3, confirmation de sa croissance à deux chiffres pour l'exercice 2017 et perspectives 2018.

October 24, 2017 [5:55pm]

Artprice : L'abandon de l'ISF sur les oeuvres d'Art répond à l'ambition de la Ministre de la Culture F. Nyssen pour le Marché de l'Art en France.

October 17, 2017 [4:00pm]

Artprice met en ligne la V3.0 de son moteur de recherche révolutionnaire issu de sa RD: impact positif immédiat

October 10, 2017 [2:30pm]

Découvrez des informations inconnues du public ainsi que le Think tank d'Artprice pour le futur : Artprice célèbre ses 20 ans en 90 jours sur Twitter.

October 9, 2017 [8:30am]

Artprice voit son Business model triompher dans Le Monde

October 4, 2017 [8:45am]

Artprice celebrates its 20th birthday, editorial by thierry Ehrmann, founder and CEO of Artprice.

September 27, 2017 [5:00pm]

Artprice: Contemporary Art Market Annual Report: turnover up 1,400% in 17 years with an average annual return of +7.6%.

September 10, 2017 [2:35pm]

Artprice moves into top gear with its world-famous Contemporary Art Museum headquarters, "L'Organe"

August 30, 2017 [5:35pm]

Artprice has deployed V2 of its revolutionary and proprietary online search engine: an immediate impact is expected...

August 8, 2017 [8:30am]

Artprice : T2 +10%. Très forte hausse du CA en début de T3 +34% en Juillet par son Moteur de recherche révolutionnaire Artprice search

August 4, 2017 [3:00pm]

Artprice: Art Market posts positive signals in H12017

July 29, 2017 [4:45pm]

Artprice: La BCE investit dans l'Art Contemporain et confirme la guidance du rapport semestriel d'Artprice diffusé cette semaine par l'AFP

July 26, 2017 [5:40pm]

Artprice launches its own revolutionary search engine after months of internal R&D...

July 15, 2017 [10:25am]

La Blockchain RD d'Artprice répond en tout point aux objectifs de l'UE cette semaine contre le terrorisme et son financement par le trafic d'Art.

July 10, 2017 [8:00pm]

Artprice: reaction to the article in Countrepoint: A Historic Attack on the Art Market!

July 7, 2017 [10:45am]

ARTPRICE confirme avoir déposé plainte ce matin 7.7.2017 à l'AMF, Direction des Émetteurs, tel qu'annoncé sur Actusnews hier.

July 6, 2017 [6:45pm]

Artprice va déposer une plainte pour abus de marché à l'AMF.

July 5, 2017 [8:50am]


July 1st, 2017 [11:05am]

Artprice: further information regarding our new OTC Marketplace, following our AGM at 6pm on 30 June 2017.

June 30, 2017 [8:00am]

Artprice takes a major stake in the OTC Art Market which generates a volume of transactions roughly 7 to 9 times higher than the traditional art market

June 9, 2017 [2:30pm]

- Blast-teaser 2 par thierry Ehrmann fondateur et PDG d'Artprice : Quelques millions ou plusieurs dizaines de millions de transactions?

June 9, 2017 [2:30pm]

- Blast- par thierry Ehrmann fondateur et PDG d'Artprice

May 31, 2017 [8:30am]

Artprice fits perfectly into President Macron's Digital Europe Project

May 19, 2017 [12:01am]

Artprice: Basquiat breaks auction record at USD 110 million, a true economic indicator for the Art Market

February 27, 2017 [3:30pm]

Le Rapport Annuel Artprice du Marché de l'Art mondial 2016 : un véritable marché alternatif aux marchés financiers avec la suprématie de la Chine

February 14, 2017 [8:30am]

Artprice: T4 et chiffres annuels 2016 +8%, perspectives 2017 très positives.